Dear Jane, I would also love to be a writer someday, like you. I’m just stuck in this poor region with poor sources I love your work. Vuyiseka. I’m in South Africa in the Eastern Cape. I am a first year student doing a bachelor of arts.
Dear Vuyiseka, what do you think you need that you haven’t already got? Are you a reader? Do you already write? The wonderful thing about writing of course is it’s free. If you have the basic tools then there’s nothing to stop you. And the more you write the better you will get. You have access to the internet for information, inspiration, a platform to publish your work and start to build a community. After that if you have the will, if it’s something you really want and you’re willing to work at, then you can do it. My advice is to create a regular writing habit, if you haven’t already. Being in a poor region is not going to stop you. If anything it might help you. You will already be used to difficulty and not afraid of a challenge. Many people around the world will be interested in you, your life, your thoughts. One thing that is difficult for all writers is often those around you won’t understand. And they probably won’t support you. That’s something you have to accept from the start. But you can do it. With Love, Jane.
Thanks a lot Jane I’ll start by creating a regular writing habit. I love you.
Thank you, Vuyiseka! I believe in you and you must believe in you. 
Thank you sister. 

Pierre Bonnard. French painter and printmaker, as well as a founding member of the Post-Impressionist group of avant-garde painters Les Nabis. 1867-1947