Dear Jane, it’s everything everybody’s been saying already. I don’t want it to end. And I was afraid to start it because everyone said about not wanting to put it down. So yesterday the only times I left my bedroom was twice to eat and once to check the mail for my daughter but I had a final interruption at night when I had to attend a meeting. I can’t remember the last time I sat and read a book. So this is evoking all sorts of excitement. Of going into another world. And sharing in this new family that you have created so realistically.
My daughter who had stopped by told me that she’d gotten the mail and it looked like there was a book and she left it on the couch for me and I was so disappointed I was working a second job that night that I was afraid to even touch it but I couldn’t help it. I stopped by the house to rip it open anyway and just hold it in my hands even though I knew I couldn’t open it or start turning the pages yet.
Just came back in to my room to grab the book again. The weather is perfect the time of year is perfect. Isn’t it hard to believe that these words took years to put down on paper but it takes only hours or days for us to relive and get into this other world. And feel a part of. When I read about the three sisters in strength and I just got done with the Dana Ellen part. I went back to your dedication page to count how many sisters you had and that reminded me of your three daughters and the strength your family holds together. I do see a lot of you in these words. It’s incredible. And so are you. To have this within you and to be able to share it with others.
For a long time you were always with me every morning being the first thing I got to share in… your pictures, your words, your love of color.. I’m exited for your success. excited to share in your world you created. Excited to see these words come full circle and affect so many. It’s just the beginning.
Pine City, Minnesota.
Dear Kay, we are separated by distance but united by words, thank you so much. It makes the world feel very small and even warm. We have the book! Can you believe it? After all this time…
With Love, Jane

Painting by Paul Emile Chabas
My novel Cailleach~Witch, a fast paced modern gothic mystery, is available on Amazon HERE